Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Ideal Boyfriend

How to classify as a ideal boyfriend?
For me, i think an ideal boyfriend should have requirement as below:
1. Good looking
2. Good characteristics
3. Well family background
4. Rich
5. Treat girlfriend as good as how you treat yourself
6. Potential be future partner/husband
7. Maybe i left out ............

Above are all the requirements and I realize that none of one can use to describe me. Any one willing share some way how to become an ideal boyfriend? I had try my best and none of it works. I feel I already don't know how to become people's boyfriend. I feel I am no longer the one I should behave, I had changed. I change to someone that I don't know, being very suspective, very unpatient, and etc; all the bad attitude had showed on me.

So ...... this is my real image or I can be atleast one of the requirements? :)


  1. 女人一辈子的幸福是拥有甜蜜的爱情、美满的婚姻,很多女人有过甜蜜的爱情,但不一定能够找到美满的婚姻,所谓人怕入错行,女怕嫁错郎!能够嫁一个好的老公,是非常美好的事情,所以,姐妹们,要擦亮眼睛找老公,不符合条件的坚决不能要--

    3、 有气度。一定不能找小家子气的男人,即使他爱你。但是因为一点点小事就 吃醋,不论你是因公与上司出去应酬,还是因私与多年不久的朋友聚会,在你回家后大吵大闹或者阴沉着脸半天不搭理你的男人,其实是自私的。当然,他会说他那 是因为爱你才吃醋,可是不要忘了,爱一个人也要给她自由,姐妹们千万不要做被男人用各种方法把你变相的留在家里做只能洗衣做饭的家庭主妇。不是说家庭主妇 不好,而是做为现在这个社会的女性,要有自己的社交圈子,要爱猫扑.爱生活、自强,不能给自己自由空间的男人千万不要找。  
    5、 不要xxxxxx乖宝宝。没人说孝顺不对,孝顺的男人很善良,但是,夫 妻之间的事都征求xxxxxx看法,毫无自己主见,嘴巴里动不动就说:“妈妈说。。。。。。。妈妈说。。。。。。”这样的妈妈面前的乖宝宝坚决不能要,记 住,你嫁的是一个男人,并不是那个男人的母亲。 
    6、 爱屋及乌。一个男人如果真的爱你,会爱你的一切,包括你的坏习惯,你的 朋友,你的家人。。。。。如果他不能忍受你的朋友或家人某些方面的缺陷或对你身边的人有所不满,那么做为一个聪明的女性,应当尽量避免他与他们见面;如果 他苛求到要求你与他们断绝来往,不用犹豫了,甩了他吧!  
    15、 有一颗平和的心。这个世界已经习惯以一个人事业上的成功来衡量一个人 的价值。事实上,一个人的价值在于他的存在对别人是否重要。即使那个人不能在事业上取得与其他人一样辉煌的成就,但是他的平凡生活对他身边的人一样很重要 就代表有价值。如果一个男人不能以一颗平和的心去看待自己的得失,整天愤世嫉俗,怪社会不公、怨生活不平,那么你和他在一起也会影响你的心态,容易偏激, 给你的心理造成巨大的压力,导致你不快乐的生活。




  2. i believe an ideal bf is an impossible thing..there is no ideal bf and same goes to the gf..but it is the partner that can consider it comes from the heart..
    an ideal rship is..even in the darkest hour and the lowest of the lowest time and the roughest time in the rship, both couple are able to stand by each other n survive it all with the love for each other burning is going thru obstacles together n cmin out of it togther..
    no one is perfect..n if the search to b the perfect one continues, the rship suffers..
    find the beauty in the imperfection..
    thats ideal..
    cheer up, nicholas..

  3. u chicken head!! all the requirements u stated above, how can good looking, rich and well family background be listed?? this way, u have insulted ur girlfriend my friend...
    hmm..for me, maybe:
    1) some level of maturity for both parties
    2)as u said, treat her as u treat urself, maybe more than how u treat urself, whole hearted ^^
    3) be considerable whenever an argument comes in (both parties)
    4) TRUST

    since i don't have much experience.. :p
    so far these are the basic elements to maintain a relationship, and the most difficult to do.

    AND, don't easily mention giving up in the r/s... but nic u don't have this prob.

  4. i don't know what has happened between u and her. but why u always doubted that whether u are a good boyfriend or not? no one is prefect anyway. ask any couple around you, none has not go thru problems before.

    a ideal boyfriend is:
    who will try his best to become a better person for his girlfriend.

    of course we all like money, but it is bonus.
    and come on, we just graduated...can't expect us to drive luxury car now.. not every girl is as materialistic as some people do.

    instead, many families still doing well although they are not rich. it just depend on the way u wanna live your life.


  5. JO...我好像没有一点符合以上的一点哦!

  6. Thx christine and wan hao.
    Thx you for the support and advise.
    I will remember all the word ^^

  7. 这是一个很抽象的问题... 没有绝对的东西... 十个手指有长短... 不是每一个人都可以做到十全十美...
    别人心目中的理想男朋友不一定是你的她心目中理想的男朋友... 不要问别人怎样才是理想的男朋友... 应该问问你的她...

  8. thanks, jun! i agree with what you said. that it's not perfection i want. but more like understanding the imperfection and being able to accept it.
