Thursday, July 30, 2009


I had learn a new word "obsessed'. Sometimes being too obsesses will create alot of problem.
Just get scold gao gao and make the whole office know about what happen actually; think back really feel so stupid which do not know how to choose a best time and a good place to talk. But human is like, need to hit wall only when u know you are wrong.

Just have a quite long conversation with a old friend, found out that alot of things actually is not exist; but is ur mind tell you that it will happen. Why your mind will process in this way? Because unhappy past make you think in this way. So, how will you overcome it? if there is a solution, this post wouldn't been posted. So....there is no solution.

But thing is no never and ever, thing that have to chance is the way of thinking. Try how to be open minded, accept things, look far, think from positive way, give and take, should or shouldn't, learn how to communicate, how to express yourself and how to make your mind clear enough; i think it will helps. Last but not least, i think self confidence must be call back.

Don't why i had lost my confidence all the while, i thought im getting it back but it doesn't. When thngs happen again and again, it shows the confidence is not there. So.....? For me, the main solution for recover confidence is to prove that you are the best. How to know you are the best? physically and phsycologically. You need make yourself the top of your career, earn the biggest money which others cant, treat your loves one which others cant do, give her the best that you can give. All this make yourself outstanding and your confidence back.

Above is what im thinking; I might be very gia su or show off but this is what in my mind.

1 comment:

  1. a girl does not need someone who can shower her with everything. just someone to understand her. i guess that's what your girl needs. have confidence, pal! you can do it..

    i'll drop by more often. nice blog.
