Friday, July 31, 2009


Im deeply apologize to those who involved to me due to my own problem.

There are no problem at the beginning and Im creating it.I deserve to have this ending and this treatment; public listed annoying people, controlvative, not understanding, passasive and know how to packing yourself well.

Im apologize with my sincere and hope things will change soon. I am about to losing everything.
No one can help me unless myself but the motive is not there.

I really don't all this happen. PLEASE~


  1. Hey there.
    Just a piece of advice.
    Things don't always goes smoothly like the way you wish to.
    I think you understand what has been going on and you don't want it to be this way.
    Work it out! i know you can.
    Try change!
    Be a better man.=)

    Learning your mistakes makes you one step further in your life. Makes you a better person.

    Hope you don't mind i say a lot.

  2. Better man need time to practise but Im running out of time and I losing everything. Anyway, thx you for your advise.

  3. Try your best!
    Don't put yourself in the negative corner...
    Do you really think that you're losing?

    Think deep.
    You're losing, things are now gone.
    But all these things are still there isn't it?
    Still clinging with you isn't it?
    Why don't you think that chances is there for you to grab.

    Think deep.

    I do hope things goes well for you! REALLY, don't push yourself in the wrong corner...

